A unique and innovative Spanish Immersion Preschool, we balance academics and the arts in an environment meticulously designed for today’s child.

Our Story

The year 2020 challenged us to rethink everything. An unexpected time to look inward and outward, we saw with clarity what our children need and deserve - to be honored and celebrated for who they are - constant seekers of discovery, connection and challenge.

Our children’s innate curiosity brings adventures, failures and triumphs. This spark, this pure essence of childhood, it’s fuel for learning. They need us as parents to fan that spark into a burning flame.

We dreamt of a Spanish immersion preschool full of wonder and challenges where loving and dynamic teachers would usher them into exactly who they’re meant to be: born designers of their own learning, always supported and pushed to dig deeper, to ask further and to see things from a different angle.

We knew we’d do anything for our kids, especially when it comes to their education. So we opened our dream school: a unique and innovative Spanish immersion experience called One Hundred Leaves.

Our drive. Our responsibility. Our passion.

We develop the whole child, both academically and socially, preparing each student for kindergarten and life. By the time your child graduates from One Hundred Leaves, he or she will have had the chance to:

From long term projects to serendipitous realizations, we believe in inquiry-based, student-led learning. We teach children to turn their own questions into adventures, guiding them to discovery - not feeding them answers. With a focus on developing the whole child and balancing both arts and academics, we’ve made chess, world music, robotics, painting, literacy, math, photography and engineering all integral parts of our program.

Children need both freedom and structure, choice and accountability. They also need adults to ensure they’re prepared for what’s next. That’s why we’ve developed a robust assessment program to keep children moving toward their potential so they’re ready for life.

Before the age of five, a child’s brain develops faster than at any other point in life. That’s why we are committed to providing young humans the richest, most meaningful learning environment possible - giving children a bilingual advantage, and developing their sense for creativity and self-expression.

Kids are amazing. They deserve an amazing school.

Welcome to One Hundred Leaves.